

It’s not that easy to be efficient if we don’t have the correct tools than we need. Can you imagine Harry Poter without his magic wand?

We propose magical -tools for your B2C / B2B CRM!

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Our clean CRM

Sexy CRM

Customer data analytics journey can only start with a clean CRM. Do you measure your CRM data quality? Don’t think it might contains duplicates? Dirty data?

We analyze your customers addresses, validate, correct them. We also enrich by geocoding or thanks to our 1100+ geospatial criteria.

We analyze your B2B customers information, find the correct corresponding company in Belgium, enrich or information by the latest correct one (names, moves…).  

We treat with Accounts contact information cleaning and deduplication. 
You would like to ensure best data quality as upfront as possible? Try our interactive addresse and companies search / auto-complete solutions for forms/application (APIs).

Clean and validated address just as a single (API) call!

Easily integrated in your environment including possible on-premise deployments.

Or you might want to have a one-shot cleaning of your CRM content.

Cleaning :
Efficient customers  data quality solutions.

Deduplication :
Flexible multi-countries duplicates analyses and treatment.
Analyses performed outside CRM with very detailed reports to understand issues.
Customized to YOUR CRM and ready to ingest to fix. 

Up-to-date B2B referential 

Multiple names for companies (linguistic variations, abbreviations…), change of names, moves, bankruptcies .

You don’t have VAT but only a name/address? Not a problem, we search official data and enrich your database.

> 1.100 features to enrich your CRM or exploit in analytics.


Mobility-related, isochrones information
Geocoded Belgian companies for advanced anayses.
Various POIs and information: distance to railroad, number of schools in a radius…
Target your prospects with unique criteria selections.

Do you have any questions about data science or our services?

We are here to help! Please fill out the form in the page contact ! A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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